oldschool CxC

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Funny but kinda sad Nun-Fu video and a quality (and likely more valuable) link, Google Page Designer, the browser-based WYSIWYG html solution. Pretty cool, even though it needs IE.

I'm still hooked on Opera b/c it's so damned fast (on the PC, at least) and it's pretty much virus-proof. I even paid the $20 for mine! (Nowadays they give it out free.)

Also just bought Nuance's Dragon Naturally Speaking v8. $80, hope it works. Voice-to-text is a long overdue software revolution, IMHO. (Sore fingers/wrists/back.)
Finished my 1st draft of a screenplay (still revising & having it read in my screenwriting class), and thought I might take a whack at my next screenplay by dictating it.

Last -- took a work trip to NYC. Saw protestors outside the World Trade Center train station. They were supporting 911truth.org, have you checked it? They're starting to get more attention in bigger media as Bush's ratings drop.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Friends, let's talk politics.
OK, skip politics.
I can do that on my blog (BTW, my most recent post is on ipod zombies, computer zombies, and TV zombies).

Check out this cool-ass touch-screen video of newly acquired Apple tech.

And everyone has seen the new Google Sidebar, yes? I rec installing it. It's quite impressive, as are the plugsin. I had the open-source Desktop Sidebar running forever, still like that one, too.
People keep making claims that Google's going to make it's own set-top box, or that it's making it's own computer... I think Google is the first company to realize the network is the computer, AND go after that big-time. Who knows, they might wind up being the next Blockbuster (on top of all the rest) by dishing out .mpg's of all the online movies.

Also a cool article about the $100 laptops -- ie 1 laptop per child -- the brainchild of a group working on it at MIT. These boxes are not going to be available to consumers but governments only, in orders of 1 million or more. Specs are RedHat Linux, 500mhz CPU, powerable by battery chargeable by alternative means (hand crank, solar, and bicycle), no harddrive, built-in 500megs storage, 4 USB ports, and wireless 'mesh' internet access (I still don't understand this bit). I wonder if this will be real? Target release date is 4th Qtr 2006.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Glenn vs Ari: I'm all for individualism, but it shouldn't be at the expense of poor people. I'm an idealist that thinks we have enough $$ for feeding everyone, housing everyone, and also keeping the wealthy capitalist exploiters at the top, if that's what everyone wants.

I do enjoy link-sharing, but that's not why I post on the blog. Mostly, I do it b/c there are a couple people on here that I don't hang with, and I'm happy to see they're alive & well.

** I did NOT 'edit' Erik's post. I did put in a VISIBLE comment. I'm guessing he went in and re-edited it. Now it's by far more considerate and written in the language of true gentlemenly discourse. PROPS to Erik for that! **

Ari vs whoever steps up next: Someone name-calls me a radical, that's fine. I KNOW I'm a radical, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Gandhi & MLK were radicals, as were the early unionists, the founding fathers of the USA, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, etc etc. Name-calling me a radical is a COMPLIMENT. (Yeah, Hitler & Napoleon fit in the list too, but their radicalism was whack!)

Calling Hugo Chavez a Marxist is foolish and innacurate. He's a socialist & an anti-imperialist, and since he's INSIDE his govt, why would he try to have it overthrown? Socialists put people before profit and capital. It's here in the USA, home of the free, where we work hard at overthrowing foreign govts (even elected democratic ones usually to install US puppet rulers), and the USA has a higher success rate.

I tried to spare everyone, but you can read the rest on REkzkaRZ blog :'Friendly Fascism RANT'.

I'm nearing the GH line, so I'll end my post there. Thanks for that limit, Doc! (I do better with structure.)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Alien, dug that True Majority link. You're a sly dog, eh? Love how you avoid conflict.
By the way, I also liked the guns website. Crazy urban tech....
I guess b/c of WWII & the Wild West, I'm ok w/easy access to all kinds of weapons for law abiding citizens.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Please read my comment on this post for my 'Euro-America takeover' RANT from a non-Christian perspective.

Just saw this on break.com, disturbing video Iraqi kids beat up by British soldiers. I'm not sure the audio is real, but probably it is.

I don't think there is an 'Ari v Erik', per se. It's just more that our outspoken political polarity reveals itself over time.

I agree with Glenn's comments, mostly. So Glenn, when did you get out of the Psych Ward? HA HA
However, to restate, I think if people make personal attacks (thus violating the friendliness factor of the board), I think the target can add their own comments INSIDE the post, rather than comment on a hidden page -- either to retaliate, or whatever -- remembering the spirit of the Blog is to keep things friendly, and I think most of us believe in freedom of speech. My comment was in a different color, so why not think of it as an 'inserted comment' instead of as an edit to your post?

re: some of my old rants, I apologize if I offended anyone for over-stating my leftist harangues and also for slamming Christianity & Catholicism.

I often rant louder b/c of 'conservative viewpoints', plus the USA is so bombarded with false or inaccurate media that I do feel morally compelled to post further to the Left. Now that I have my own Blog, though, so I think that might mellow my postings here.

Last comments: Finally reading Spiegelman's MAUS comic, and re-reading Orwell's 1984 again. Wow, it's a heavy combo. Seems like Bush & Cheney have used 1984 as a game plan. Bin Laden is surprisingly a near-match to the Goldstein character of 1984.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

AD said: " I would much rather see rebuttals, and discussion, humorous or not, than introduce broad subject limitations."

OK, fair enough -- no need for a rule. BUT - I am HEREBY CALLING THE REST OF YOU OUT. When Ari makes one of his radical leftist comments, or I make one of my pro-war or libertarian arguments, it's time to put up or shut up. Post your comment, even if it's short like "I agree" or "This is dumb," and let us all know where you stand. My point about wanting a rule was because I would come to the blog and read some of these posts that are seriously over the edge, and there is no rebuttal, no discussion, nothing. I can't tell if you're just ignoring Ari, or if you think he has a valid point.

So: Ari makes a post lauding Hugo Chavez, who I think is an anti-American Marxist not worthy of anyone's praise. Thoughts? Because if you don't care, I say we open a politics blog and leave it off this one.

(And Ari, please, under no circumstances edit one of my posts. There's a comment function for a reason. And I apologize for insulting you -- it was just done for effect. You my boy, blue.)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I wrote a lengthy response to Erik's insult, and then I realized there's no point. Erik, I guess you feel entitled to make offensive comments about me on this blog?

How about instead of making immature rules about not posting political comments, we follow a concept of acting like gentlemen and being respectful to a diversity of opinion?

I have my views and you have yours. You don't have to agree w/me, or vice versa. For that matter, you don't have to read my posts, either. I will not call your posts 'fucking idiotic' (even if you are misguided), and you can show me the same respect.

Just b/c we see right-wing neo-fascist pundits make belittling attacks on people who disagree with them, that in no way means it's acceptable here or anywhere.