oldschool CxC

Friday, September 23, 2005

Is Bush Drinking article in the National Enquirer.
Could it get worse?

I'm protesting the war this Sat. Hope some of you will as well! You can check w/ "United for Peace and Justice" and see what's up. Besides local events, there's a huge protest/rally/march in Wash DC, right in front of the White House (amazing they got march permits!). They're expecting at least 500k protestors. Not sure what kind of coverage it will get. We're having a sign-making party tonight. Should be fun tonight, and hopefully inspiring tomorrow. PEACE!

Really enjoyed Bill Maher & Tucker Carlson interview, as well. (Didn't think Bill Maher would come across so well in an interview. Impressive.)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Simon Weisenthal, Nazi Hunter, died in his sleep last night.
Another hero goes. I wonder if he will be covered in the media?

Monday, September 19, 2005

Jon Stewart -- he delivers! http://www.crooksandliars.com
If that's not clear enough, what the heck is?!??!
(His speech follows the tradition of another American hero, Michael Moore, at his Oscar performance.)

I can't imagine how hard it must be to tell the truth from THE HEART of the propoganda machine -- at their own awards ceremony. (I've had major stage fright giving presentations in Spanish class, or teaching 300 people how to use software, or playing bass in a gig with my last band. Not quite the same scale! HA HA)

One worry is that media can actually consume it's own 'counter-media', and rather than spawning any true 'anti-fascist' actions, counter-media may encourage media consumers to just sit & watch the battles for their world on TV.

If I didn't invite you yet, Corinna & I are having a 'sign-making' party in Berkeley on Fri 9/23 @ 6pm, in preparation for the SF Peace Rally supporting the huge March on Washington on 9/24 @ 11am. If you want to come for the party, give me a call, come & make a sign, meet some of our friends!!! (It won't be at our new pad but at her Grandmother's house, b/c we're moving boxes still.)

The marchers have permits to protest directly in front of the White House! I was amazed to hear that. They're estimating at least 500k marchers in Washington, DC! To me, that's Democracy: people demanding representation.

To quote a beautiful slogan, "Don't Tread on Me!" and "No Taxation Without Representation!" Some parts of history are cyclical -- sorta.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Erik inspired me to buy a shirt that says:

And it's rigged up so you can click the pic and hear Noam Chomsky! Wow, the internet is powerful. HA HA
The dload is 28 megs (!), and Chomsky only speaks at the last 1/2 of the dload. But the topic is apropos - The Nation, Iraq, and the Election (you can click this to READ the text of the interview.)