Humanism is the 'Left-Wing' perspective I subscribe to, if people keep wanting to pidgeon-hole me, not Liberalism. Can't you get that part correct at least?
In response to
Sony's post quoting the unidentified friend bearing oodles of right-winger wisdom,
I posted my reply in the comments.
My favorite line from my comment is:
I just disagree that money spent on socially positive things (helping poor people eat, live, etc) is "wasting money" -- and I don't believe CEO's (I'll specify for this argument only CEO's that took NO RISK in starting a company) should be paid 100 million +.It's interesting b/c we really are communicating from different worlds. Most of my friends, family, and entertainment media that I watch (Daily Show, Realtime w/Bill Maher, Democracy Now, Link TV, Pacifica Radio, etc) are Left or Leftish. For me, what's happening today is straight from "1984" by Orwell, where double-think is now a virus that's out of control.
When I watch the right-wing media for too long, I honestly get ill. If Bush can get away with saying "They hate our freedoms" as he passes the Patriot act, and no-one in the Press says to him, "But it's you that is the one attacking American freedoms", I see that as a problem.
As a Berkeley professor recently said at a garage sale (we chatted in the street about this stuff), 'The Nazi's are back in power, they just haven't formally announced their racist plans yet' (although Bush did 'accidentally' say Crusade, briefly -- woops! There he goes again, that silly dumb President making those accidental comments. He just doesn't know what he's saying, right? ... Or maybe it's what he accused Bin Laden of doing, speaking w/code words).
The Professor thought that the racism of Nazis in WWII actually lost them the war, and this time the racism would be better strategized and propogandized. Perhaps the strategy is to make everyone FEAR the poor non-whites that are targetted? Maybe it's to make us HATE them for doing something horrible to us?
As I see it, the Neo-Cons are on the same campaign as the Nazi's of WWII:
- Global Empire of whites ruling over lower races.
- Lower the global net population, most preferably non-white population, to increase available wealth for white consumption.
- Utilize military for dominant power positions around the world, and esp use lots of force in non-white areas.
- Unite Business with Military with Government (and possibly Religion, although that's not really necessary).
- Keep the white wealth in power.
All this "Right-Wing Neo Con" stuff to me just advocates racial oppression and global empire / exploitation under white rulership.
Maybe you don't see it that way, or maybe that's acceptable to you?
But I for one am not going to say "Gee, what a great plan" as people are hyping this point of view under WHATEVER label, either "free markets", "free trade", "capitalism", or "pure supply demand economy".
I'm going to say, loudly, "that plan is crap" because PEOPLE are more important than concepts like supply & demand, capitalism, free markets or free trade.
And I'm not the only 'kook' that's saying this. There is a
GREEN 'triple bottom line' that you might be interested in learning about: People, then Planet, then Profits. Once that limitation is established, I think I'll be ok with 'capitalism' doing it's thing.