For Erik (& everyone) here's some ripped tracks --
I mean 'information sharing' -- of a couple hilarious bits:
ENJOY! David Cross is truly one of the amazing
Left-Wing comedians of today.
On Bush's 9/11 response
On Tax Cuts and Capital Punishment policies
And just a general, non-political, humor
(+ the true PERFECT Pope impersonation):
on Priest's molesting boys
This is hilarious stuff... and offensive too.
Sorry, but they'll only be up for a few weeks.
Grab 'em today and you can replay for hours of laughter. :)
thanks dude, links are fixed. FUNNY STUFF, time to begin. Gimme feedback on those mp3's?
David Cross is hilarious. I do think it's pathetic that you have to qualify him as a "left-wing" comedian. Is that the only prism you have to view things through? "Hmmm... I think he's funny, but are his politics correct?"
I think Jon Stewart put it best... they'd make fun of democrats too (and did with Clinton in office), but first they have to actually DO something of relevence.
An other than classifying Olberman as a comedian, I agree with A that comedy seems to be the only popular venue for criticism. Why is that? Is it because the other critics are so unfunny and such self-important blowhard that no one wants to listen to them even if they have a good point?
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