This text-to-speech thingy is pretty sweet. Of course I had to try a little Fatlip, in the Male 2 voice: "Full of dreams, determination and self-esteem, but now it seems, they hesitate to be on my team."
oldschool CxC
Friday, May 30, 2003
PArty at Javan's: On June 20-22 Javan will be god knows where but has kindly offered to loan his apartment in San Diego. Me, Erik and my last remaining bottle of Absinthe are thinking of trashing said apartment- any takers?
Popularly held responsible for painter Vincent Van Gogh's mutilation of his own ear, absinthe has been banned in many countries but was never outlawed in Britain. It also turned AD green, and that I seen with my own two eyes.
Finally you see things as they really are, and that is the most horrible thing in the world{I didn't see much, but I did feel like that bitch in the Exorcist. -a}
[E: I think Eric turned greener than green. BTW, Happy Birthday Eric]
Thursday, May 29, 2003
They're onto us. I'm not sure how this lady found out some of my company's secrets, but believe you me, she will be stopped.
Look into my eyes
In addition to pill-splitting, I believe Kaiser Permanente harms patients in many other ways. I hope you will continue to write and expose Kaiser Permanente so the public will be advised of what it really represents ... bad medicine, which I believe is delivered through its illegal or unethical practices such as refusing to diagnose in order to avoid treatment of disease in order to lower costs, misdiagnosing/labeling patients to discredit those who advocate for themselves, and inappropriately using therapists and alternative/complementary medicine staff who use brainwashing techniques to alter the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of its patients.
Vivian Bergamotto, San Mateo

You love Kaiser. You are not sick. Tip your nurse on the way out.
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
Just started a link on Matrix at teh matinee mix up page. Best movie out until Nemo shows up and swamps Neo.
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
A line from this story about SUV rollover tests: "The Lincoln Town Car was the only car to get five stars in all four crash tests as well as a five-star rollover rating."
My question is this: How does one go about rolling a Lincoln Town Car? That boat probably wouldn't roll if you e-braked while skidding sideways downhill.
Monday, May 19, 2003
"It was like a Hollywood film," Uday said, according to the BBC. "They cried, `Go, go, go,' with guns and blanks and the sound of explosions. They made a show — an action movie like Sylvester Stallone or Jackie Chan, with jumping and shouting, breaking down doors.''
[more like it was a made for NBC movie.. -a]
Friday, May 16, 2003
The Lakers championship run is over - until a new one starts next year. I think this by quote from a Cal Bears rugby player after they lost the championship for the first time in 12 years says it all:
"The loss was a lot of things," he says. "It was wild, it was rough, it was unexpected, it was disappointing."SH- Gooooo Bears!!! Except for the Top Ranked Varsity Eight that got upset at the PAC 10 finals- you guys suck ass.
"It was," he added, "good for the game."
SL: I predict the Nets in 7 over the Spurs. Sure Timmy Duncun is a beast. But the Spurs X-factor, the young Tony Parker, won't be going against a Derek Fisher or a Steve Nash. Jason Kidd will be all up in him, allowing the ret of the Nets to surround TImmy. East coast takes it this year. Just one monkey's opinion.
Wednesday, May 14, 2003
let me ask two questions about basketball and about coaching: (1) when you are down by 1 with 19 seconds left and teh opposing team passes teh ball to their worst free throw shooter, do you stand there and guard him for 5 seconds untill he passes to a teamate, or do you foul him? (2) when you are down by 2 with 4 seconds left and your teamate is shooting a 3, do you stand around and watch as it rims out and 3 seconds run off the clock, or do you rush the rim for a put back?Sam, you are a coach, what would a good coach have told his players in those situations?
[E: I thought (1) was dumb too, but he did miss one free throw so they got what they wanted. I think (2) happened because everyone in the arena and in the known universe thought that shot was good.]
Coach Samuel says:
(1) actually, you stare down the official until you get 2 technicals called on you. that'll teach em!
(2) i tell my kids to stand there and watch it, it actually helps the ball go in.
Friday, May 09, 2003

[E: Oh yeah, Booger knows him some basketball. There's a reason why guys like this aren't on TV. Also, check out: Where is the Love? This article has lists some of my favorite NBA moments, including Horry throwing a towel at Danny "I can't believe he is my coach" Ainge, and from this year Chris Mills getting his posse and blocking the Blazers' bus from leaving while challenging Wells to a fight. Classic.]
O proud left foot, that ventures quick within
Then soon upon a backward journey lithe.
Anon, once more the gesture, then begin:
Command sinistral pedestal to writhe.
Commence thou then the fervid Hokey-Poke,
Mad gyration, hips in wanton swirl.
To spin! A wilde release from Heaven's yoke.
Blessed dervish! Surely canst go, girl.
The Hoke, the Poke -- banish now thy doubt
Verily, I say, 'tis what it's all about.
>-- by William Shakespeare
[Clever. But not WS. /obvious - RM]
{SH really? I'm so dissapointed. But it is a Sonnet, right?}
Wednesday, May 07, 2003
Just for old times sake: "Let's talk about something important. (looks over at Shelley) Put that coffee down. Coffee's for closers only. You think I'm fucking with you? I am not fucking with you. I'm here from downtown. "
[GH: fucking genius movie. the entire baldwin part was manufactured for the movie, i think, and is not in my copy of the play.
[RM: I can't listen to the sound clips. What gives?]
{A: Damn, whoever put that site together looooovvvess them some GgGR.}
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
Who Are The Uyghurs ? Who is a jew? How about the Hmong among us?
["Yaweeeeeehhhhhh!" For those of you who remember Jews For Jesus Dave. ("Where are the Catholics? Where are the Jews?") -RM]
Saturday, May 03, 2003
This is true, I pay the day-laborers on my porn films with weed.
Marijuana, pornography and illegal labour have created a hidden market in the United States which now accounts for as much as 10% of the American economy, according to a study. As a cash crop, marijuana is believed to have outstripped maize, and hardcore porn revenue is equal to Hollywood's domestic box office takings.
Now the US leads the world in pornography; about 211 new films are produced every week. Los Angeles area [Mostly CC right?] is the centre of the film boom and many of those in the trade are otherwise respectable citizens.