Even more Culver CIty News! Here's a picture of Culver City's former Assemblyman and California's former Speaker of the House

Even more Culver CIty News! Here's a picture of Culver City's former Assemblyman and California's former Speaker of the House
Actual Culver City News of a sorts: Sunday's California Section to the LA Times contained a story about a lawyer whose court ordered reinstatement had been upheld by Supreme Court's failure to take up the case. The Cal Bar disbarred him, and fought his reinstatement, because he had been a drunken louse who ruined a lot of cases and stole a lot of money. When one of his clients sued him, the attorney replied with a blizzard of malicious, baseless lawsuits against that client. The Bar said his response to this client's case proved that he was not rehabilitated.
Damn, when props are due, props are due. Scazzilia just breathed fire into the 6th Amendment.
Is gay marriage a litmus test of intelligence, or has anyone actually heard a reasonable argument against? What I mean is that I see intelligent arguments for Socialism (say what you will about persistent unemploymnet, but the French don't work half as hard and enjoy their lives), for voting for John Kerry (ugh) or Bush or Nader, for trade barriers and for Free Trade, for wanting to build an empire for being isolationist, etc etc. Reasonable minds legitimately differ on most issues before Congress. But what possible function is served by denying the legal fruits and burdens of marriage to gays? Just one?