Flye's in Vegas, muchacho so he could use a house shitter I think. Oh BART!!!
oldschool CxC
Wednesday, March 26, 2003
Friday, March 21, 2003
hey, anyone (AD)check out the California Tabacco securitization bonds? Kind of a new thing, so their yields are holding up better then most bonds. I saw a couple with 6.250 and 6.75 coupons and equal yields (e.g. priced 98.65 and 99.99 respectively). Besides the normal bond bogies of inflation & creditworthiness, these are tied to Cigarette sales, so if everyone quits I am fucked
my big problem is as a poor ass individual investor I can't buy 1500 of those puppies. More like 100. How do I get a small allotment of these?
AD hasn't heard of em before, agrees nice yields, couldn't click thru second link, doesn't know how to get just a few (ask broker?).
Thursday, March 20, 2003
how do I make the picture smaller? There are actually 4 chicks in it & i don't want to take the whole page
[jv sez: I fixed it for you with my amazing command of RAW html!]
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
its not every day you get a firm wide email like this: "I received a phone call from ***** advising me that Mark **** is a transsexual and will now be known as Grace ****. We should all be sensitive to this matter." I mean, should we be given an official grace period to just crack up and ask OMGWTF?
[hehe - "Grace period." heh.]
SH Oh man, I totally spaced and can't claim credit for that. So, is March 23d taken in teh Invade Iraq poll?It works for me. Three days of bombing, armed 1st Expeditionary force hauls ass to Bagdad and other Marines take BAsra, all over by Easter.
Thursday, March 13, 2003
Speaking of Apropos of absolutely nothing, how about
SL: couldn't take it anymore, had to switch it up to the rated G version of Sadamm and Bush getting it on!
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
I like the Long Bet site. My favorite prediction is the one about future schoolchildren getting mandatory classes on fighting against robots.
Here's a medium bet: If the Pacers finish first in their division, Isiah Thomas will get at least three votes for Coach Of The Year, despite being the worst coach in the NBA.
Also, there's this. I'm not sure what to say about it. You may want to turn your volume down a bit.
Monday, March 10, 2003
Follow-up on Sony's post about Ali G below: I finally saw that episode, and after the catholic priest tells him that he is confusing Jesus with Santa Claus ("why he is mucking about with all those reindeers"), he asks, "So is Jesus real or is he just your dad all dressed up?"
A has an Ali G sighting, I caught an episode where he had a guy from the DEA on, didn't quite live up to the comic potential, though there were some funny moments.. "So like, if you did everything on this table, you'd be like, really really mashed."
Friday, March 07, 2003
What happened to Ari? Dammit Erik, you done drove him off People like you should learn to lay off and
be more agreeable
a: bwahahaa
Thursday, March 06, 2003
Gotta get me to one of them pro-war rallies:

on the whackitatwork scale I rate her spongeworthy -A
Martyrs get 49 virgins, but peaceniks get 750 nekkid womyn
Man Da Ali G show was on last night. Sasha toured the U.N and asked his guide why they bother giving "crap countries" like Guinea a seat and why does one man, even if he is powerful have a seat (Jordan). I had to walk out of the room when he asked a priest if he would marry a jew or, motioning to the fat lady sitting next to him, "her, if she was more fit." Why do Nuns strip in clubs and why does jesus run with reindeer? Man on man.
Hor-ry! Hor-ry! Hor-ry! Don't know if y'all were watching that game, but I think everyone knew that was good as soon as he touched the ball.
A: Horry is so fucking money. Anyone do some lipreading when he fouled J. O'neal, Oneal said something starting with "Boy, ", and Horry said something starting with "Motherfucker, ".
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
Some of these are pretty damn funny. Of course, if you've been to the site, then you know this is just shooting fish in a barrel. [RM inquires: Whether any of the humorous captions could compete with the unintended humor of the site itself. I mean, don't all the instructions say, generally, that in the event of a chemical or nuclear attack one should try to get away from the place where the attack occurs? Not very helpful, perhaps not even good advice (to the extent that you don't want people spreading contamination) and I suspect that that's what people would do even in the absence of the web site.]
A has got to give it up to 'crank it up fucker' and 'assume the assfucking position'. oops site down, did they get bandwidth overloaded? that's ok there's plenty more: Unready, idlewords
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
I just read this in the Onion and I'm still laughing: Bush Offers Taxpayers Another $300 If We Go To War
Pending passage of the bill, titled Economic Growth And Tax Relief Reconciliation Act Of 2003 And We Bomb Iraq (H.R. 1936), some 91.3 million checks could be mailed as early as March 31.
Nice anecdotes of European anti-Americanism in USA Today. I love this quote from Vince Vaughn:
Sometimes the complaints left him speechless, like the time he was told, " 'America had no culture' by a kid wearing a Kobe Bryant T-shirt and listening to rapper DMX."