oldschool CxC

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Some of these are pretty damn funny. Of course, if you've been to the ready.gov site, then you know this is just shooting fish in a barrel. [RM inquires: Whether any of the humorous captions could compete with the unintended humor of the ready.gov site itself. I mean, don't all the instructions say, generally, that in the event of a chemical or nuclear attack one should try to get away from the place where the attack occurs? Not very helpful, perhaps not even good advice (to the extent that you don't want people spreading contamination) and I suspect that that's what people would do even in the absence of the ready.gov web site.]

A has got to give it up to 'crank it up fucker' and 'assume the assfucking position'. oops site down, did they get bandwidth overloaded? that's ok there's plenty more: Unready, idlewords


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