Oh, YouTube. For all your Japanese cat videos, I still love you for things like this:
oldschool CxC
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
What's the moral mathematics of the moment?
An experiment: One of the finest classical violinists in the world dresses as a street musician and plays at rush hour in a DC train station. Will people stop and listen? (With video and audio.)
Friday, April 13, 2007
Clipping from my comment on A's previous post:
When Bush accuses Bin Laden of attacking the USA, and then deports all the Bin Laden's in the USA quietly to France the day after the attack, I am forced to question his statements on some level.
How do the other fellas interpret the deportation of Bin Ladens from the USA? Are you all HAPPY that Bush was so courteous that those people are allowed to fly out of the country IMMEDIATELY following a (supposed) terrorist attack by their brother ** BEFORE they could be debriefed by CIA/FBI ** ?
For two years, this violation of the air ban is denied by the FAA, FBI, and White House, and decried as an urban legend except for one article detailing them in a Tampa newspaper. [Tampa Tribune, 10/5/2001] Finally, in 2003, counterterrorism “tsar” Richard Clarke confirms the existence of these flights, and Secretary of State Powell confirms them as well. [MSNBC, 9/7/2003; Vanity Fair, 10/2003] However, the White House remains silent on the matter. [New York Times, 9/4/2003] Officials at the Tampa International Airport finally confirm this first flight in 2004.
While serving as governor of Texas, George W. Bush met with high-level Al Qaeda leaders, hoping to get support to build a pipeline across Afghanistan. Four months into his presidency, he [Bush] rewarded the Taliban by handing over $43 million in May 2001, only six months before the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Seems pretty ugly to me. I mean, Bush gave the Taliban millions in contracts, but I'm not getting free health care? What's going on?!?!?!
I'm interested to hear the non-conspiracy theory people's views on these events? Did they not happen, or were these just insignficant events that hit the 'muckrackers' radars? Do you all think Bush is innocent of this corruption & double dealing? Is the Saudi/Bush connection being overplayed by Left-Wing media?
Monday, April 02, 2007
Any responses from anyone to Marvin Bush?
Interesting article on Marvin Bush.
For those non-conspiracy theorists ... uh, doesn't this seem unusual?
This article in Counterpunch points out the irony, and how badly Clinton would've gotten it if his brother's company was in charge of security at WTC on 9/11...
More food for thought, IMO.
(You guys know I think Bush was in on the gig. That's why for me it's not a coverup type of 'Oh My God' discovery, it's more of 'aha, another piece to stick into the puzzle.
What started me off was
a) the strange falling of the towers, looking like a planned demolition
b) president sitting stupidly for minutes
c) no jets scrambling in response
d) mysterious flight 93 'take-down' (IMO)
e) grabbing the tapes of the Pentagon missile hit (agents were grabbing tapes WITHIN 10 MINUTES of the attack!)
There's a lot of other stuff that makes me EXTREMELY DUBIOUS of this not being an inside job, but a-e was a solid enough start...)
But in America, some of us like to believe our Monarchy has noble values...