By the way, I liked the tax talk, especially the insults. We just need someone to call "time" after a spell.
Rounding together these recent topics, on the Daily Show last night they were talking about how LeBron James' high school was taking in $10K per game, but that "the finances were handled by the 11th grade accounting class, which funneled profits to their offshore sister school, 'Our Lady Of International Waters'." [That's funny - RM]
SL: man i hate these idiots searching for any way to hurt LeBron. first the hummer, then he gets caught with some jerseys. gd, how much money has his school and espn made off this guy already? its not like at any time he couldnt have signed a shoe contract or many other endorcements, but he didn't. and now he gets busted for a coulple of expensive jerseys. lame. can you say hate-errrzzz?!?
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