oldschool CxC

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

This article on Korean clans of Counter-Strike players in the east bay is funny on a number of levels, including that the reporter inexplicably takes these guys seriously.
[A: Violence Breaks out in Los Angeles Cyber Cafes oh those Kids..]
[E: Owned!]
{S That was an interesting article, funny how Doom really got it all going.
(A: also funny how Doom was ahead of it's time in releasing source code (1997) and ensuring mods that kept it alive This authors book The Cathedral & The Bazaar had been blowing my mind. And all his books are up for your free perusal here. Highly recommended. sorry to thread-jack your comment Sam.)
Here is Eric Harris's remembrance of Doom}
[SL: After they were done shooting, the perps bunny hopped their way to a quick escape (inside video game j/k). But seriously what else is there to do in Northridge?]
[E: Or Concord for that matter.]


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