oldschool CxC

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I updated my ThreeWaysMedia Music Website with my newest and most original whacked stuff (under THINK). I hope you'll check it out and tell me what you think, feel free to download & circulate to friends if you'd like.
I'm planning to release a CD this year called "THINK" by R.E. with these tracks and a few others.

As for Erik's comments on my post --> Erik, can you please comment on the immediate evacuation of the Bin Laden family after the 9/11 attack? While all the planes were grounded? Didn't that make you uncomfortable at all, or perhaps a bit suspicious?

I'm not in favor of 'aggressive interrogation' (as you refer to 'torture') of the Bin Ladens, but how about letting the CIA/FBI ask a few questions before the USA paid for their flights to Paris?!?!? Seems like a pretty fat gift to the family members of an attacker on the USA, no?