I never could open up the RIAA website
[A: 'sactly. Here is a mirror of an old hack. I believe they were trying to push legislation thru that allowed them to use disruptive techniques against pirates using P2P. Mad pirates+hackers = not good.]
Does the RIAA owe you $20? {Burner asks: have you bought a CD in 3 years? I haven't.}[MP3z: Good question.] {Obvious: Um, I've bought I few. Do I get more than $20?}[Oops: No. As a matter of fact you probably won't get squat. Too many people will file and they will end up making a charitable contribution instead of paying out. Sorry if you got your hopes up.. who knows though.]
[Erik links: to the New Yorker and a quick article about hacker-god Kevin Mitnick getting out of jail and surfing the web for the first time ever.]
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