oldschool CxC

Saturday, January 25, 2003

Erik & Sony: Did you scare me off the blog? Nah. Did you frighten me at the state of the nation reflected in the amoral diatribes of my fellows? Not sure if frighten or sadden is the right word Also I was up in SF learning my new job, had no time to BLOG..

I guess fundamentally the issue is not about disliking the war & it's historical ramificaitons, or seeing through the thin cloak behind which so much (tax & stock market) money is scandalously stolen in front of our faces, but more having a stance and willingness to take actions on a stance. That's an issue I've been dealing w/my whole life.

I tend not to mention that, just as we each have our ethnic makeup, I have a heritage which I don't often publicly claim but it is fundamentally of questioning authority & demanding actions to be taken against corruption & immorality. I say all this even while conscious that I am a new part of a giant corporate structure, and certainly in my own life I'm no paradigm of virtue.

I push my view not necessarily because I'm a radical, although I am one & have been for ages -- and SF is a comforting bastion for me -- but more that I'm not comfortable watching atrocity without taking an outspoken & contrary position.
How many more corp scandals will it take before even the lawyers start saying, 'We're in the midst of a fascist takeover'?

Enjoying Sam's artwork. Reminds me of some amazing art I saw ages ago, lots of montage pieces where he changed missiles & weapons by adding limbs to them. & what's with the 'Lemons'? Who's changing their name next??!?!
My suggestions: Andrew Lion, Erik Handsome, Ari Prayfist, Sony Holder...

Since in blogworld, length is irrelevant, and i have no other spots to post & hyper-link my poems to right now, here is a poem of mine that I've read at Poetry Slams. It's no easy read out loud, b/c it has to be read fast & with punch. Mixed reactions from groups. It reads well on paper. Among you, perhaps some will enjoy, or be annoyed... Feedback would be interesting -- especially since I already know the contrary nature of the audience.

TV 9/6/02
I turn on the TV
pussy Buy This pussy puh puh
pussy False Authority Lie Lie
Buy This Buy This Now NOW pussy
pussy pussy puh puh puh LIE
pussy Buy Buy BUY IT NOW Lie
Lie Nine Eleven Buy It Now
Kill pussy pussy pussy Kill
Buy Kill Buy False Authority
Kill Kill Buy Buy pussy pussy
puss puss puss Kill Buy Lie
I turn off the TV
I bought it. I didn't even
want it.
I wonder -- where is the dick on TV?
I remember...
The man lying to me
Saying the item was free
Saying I had to kill.
Saying I am free
Saying he kills for me.
Saying he saves my liberty
He's good to me he's a hero
with a gun killing the enemy
I remember...
where the dick is on TV.
The dick is in the TV.
The old wealthy dick
I'll never see.
Its wrinkled impotency
forever buried in money
raped from everybody
sucked from every country
now on 24/7 TV
selling me garbage with female sexuality.
And I refuse to believe the TV again.

[AD sez: "amoral diatribes"?
Democracy is the worst possible form of government, except for all the others.
[Erik sez:"amoral diatribes": Cite exactly which post was amoral and why, otherwise you are just talking out of your ass.]
[Erik adds:If the issue is "having a stance and willingness to take actions on a stance" then does that mean you side with the Bush administration? Pretty much describes them to at T. Of course it could also describe Al Qaeda, or say, a serial rapist.]
[AD guesses: Maybe it was old Tommy Vercetti?]

Rick sympathizes: I'll tell you what Ari, I'll take your side on this one even though I'm not really feeling your arguments. But let's try this tack and see how it goes: Containment, although admittedly unsafisfying, has worked (Saddam hasn't caused any international problems since Gulf I), isn't terribly expensive, and is a known quantity. War is therefore a solution to a problem that doesn't exist, nobody knows how much it will cost (but it probably won't come cheap), and is probably the most volatile investment an individual or nation can make. Conclusion is that the cost-benefit analysis argues against and we should invest our national resources somewhere likely to give us a better return. And here I thought I was too late to join the party. Anyway, my amoral diatribe ends here.


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