Ah joy...
HR 333. I don't really even like Kucinich, but after this, IMO, he's moved up in the world. At least he's a politician that's showing some stones as America is falling under a cold coup...
It's an interesting tactic, going after Cheney. Apparently a VP has never been impeached in USA.
Kucinich HR 333 - calling for the impeachment of VP Cheney
Also interesting is that this is getting NO PRESS b/c of unusual news phenomena, like Virginia Tech shooting & more.
That event was a strange one too!
Believe it or not, I agree with Ari here -- "showing some stones." If you believe he has committed serious, impeachable offenses, then impeach. Instead, most will let Kucinich (who is completely unelectable) float this balloon while they wait to see which way the wind is blowing.
Kind of like the Iraq war. I have more respect for people who were against it from the beginning, than for these pussies who were for it when it was popular but have since decided they were "misled" into voting for it. To me that's like announcing, "Vote for me -- I am easily fooled."
You agree with me?
Did someone dose me with ACID? HA HA
What I get from your statement is that you value consistency of opinion. Interesting.
Um, not much more to say. I was against this war, and as is commonly viewed in Bkly bumperstickers, I'm already against the next war.
PS: Have you heard the statistic that over 1 million Iraqis may now have died? Impressive numbers...
Dude, didn't you know? The government secretly monitors agitators like you and doses your water supply with acid! ;)
But yep, that's about right. The reasons for going to war with Iraq are unchanged by the relative success or failure of the effort. So whether I agree (I don't), I respect the view of being agin it from the beginning way more than pussies who've allowed the polls to changes their minds (Hillary).
I think that 1M number is an extreme exaggeration, but that's neither here nor there. Say it's true -- who is doing the killing, who is being killed, and do you think the rate of killing would go up or down if the US pulled out completely?
Acid? Nah, haven't done any acid in over 10 years. I did enough of it that I'd know if it was in me. :)
I think the preferred method would be an unusually radioactive cellphone to give me brain tumors, actually.
> I think that 1M number is an extreme exaggeration, but that's neither here nor there.
It's there, actually. HA
Wow, a war casualty joke. Oooh
I had a dream recently (no, not fact or reported) that the UN went into Iraq and discovered that millions of people had been killed. Crazy dream, that one. I don't know if they'd call it a holocaust or what, if the USA did it. (Holocaust is a German word.) Maybe an effective genocidal resuming of 'the Crusades'?
> Say it's true -- who is doing the killing, who is being killed, and do you think the rate of killing would go up or down if the US pulled out completely?
Good questions. Who is doing the killing -- American soldiers, shi-ite militia (who the USA is apparently giving $$$ to), and Sunis, and 'terrorist' factions that could be on any of those sides OR any other side.
Would the rate of killing go down if USA pulled out? I guess the answer I can offer is that Americans would kill less and be killed less. As for the Iraqi people, they seem by and large to not want Americans there.
So in a way it's a win/win.
Actually, I think the USA should be held responsible for criminal act against international law by invading a non-threatening country, and that G.Bush and Cheney should have to stand trial for their roles...
I'm sure you're going to love that one, eh?
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