re: Sony's comment on my Blog -- I have to respond here bc there's no way he'll see if I post a response on my blog. Strange, eh?
Thanks for the comment. Yes, I have been coming thru LA (staying at my Dad's in CC by the Library) about once every 3 months. Before my grandmother died, I was coming thru about once every month or two.
On that trip, I barely was able to see my family & coworkers, and had to miss Wes & a few of my other close LA friends.
Honestly, I'm pleasantly surprised to hear the invitation. I guess another factor would be that I don't have your email or phone number...?
Sorry I couldn't bust you out of your echo chamber. HA HA
310 508 8856
I work right off the promenade in santa monica and still live in culver city, so we could grab a meal next time you're through. I'm not hostile in person and try not to be hostile in print, it just comes out that way. By the way, if you haven't been to downtown CC in a while, you won't recognize it.
Thanks for the info. Duly noted.
For the last 2-3 years, I was going to LA almost bi-monthly to visit my Grandmother in her senior residence. My Dad moved to CC 3 yrs ago, right by the library on Overland.
I do know CC quite well, actually. Better than I figured I would at age 36! And I'm familiar w/many of the restaurants & theaters in downtown CC. Thanks for mentioning! :>
Didn't know you'd moved to Santa Monica, I thought you were living in the hills of CC by Matt's family? When did you move? What's the story there?
I appreciate the invite.
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