Sony/Erik Wager Update:
4. Net negative loss suffered by Congressional Republicans in upcoming midterm elections (2006): o/u = 12 1/2 (15 is a loss of control)
Hodur takes Under.
Still close... can Democrats snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Again? I'm 0-for-2 on this wager with three yet undecided, so come on you stupid pricks.
Tradesports betting seems to suggest that the dems will pickup 20-25 seats in the House, so I should be pretty solid here. On a side note, the most popular parlay has the dems taking the House and the reps retaining the Senate.
I doubt it, but y'never know.
Republicans cheat, Dem's cheat, but the Repubs have more influence into the apparatus of vote tallying... (and frankly, I think those who worship the landed wealthy are more willing to deny po' folk their voting rights in manipulation of the system).
I can't look at this stuff like sports. But I have been volunteering & giving out Green Party voter guides all across E.Bay. :)
You can grab an online one from here. They're really handy to take into the voting booths.
LOL... so your assessment of the congressional races is, whoever wins they probably cheated? I guess that covers all the bases!
Also: Green Party?!? I would think the Peace and Freedom Party would be a natural home for you. Actually I'm not sure of the differences between them and the Greens, although perhaps the militant feminists scare you off (and rightly so -- I watched the CA Senate Candidates speeches yesterday and the P&F womyn made my balls shrink).
Well, that sucked for my bet. But as a firm believer, even before it became a meme, that a divided gov't governs better, I am pleased. And I like the noises being made about governing like adults and not freshman frat boys. Maybe we'll even leave Iraq to the Iraqis.
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