oldschool CxC

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

"Can A Dog Be Racist?" in Slate today. Can they? Hell yes they can, but race is just one of many factors. Quinn's dog Sam did not like black people one bit. My family's old dog Ginger cowered in fear at the sight of a man wearing a baseball cap. Luka apparently has a thing for uniforms, like park rangers. And Pico and Chick, well...
well what?
Well I was hoping you could fill in the blank. Do they hate any subset of people?
They hate bog-cutting liqvert drinking Danish and no one else.
[Good evening and welcome to another edition of 'Prejudice' - the show that gives you a chance to have a go at Wops, Krauts, Nigs, Eyeties, Gippos, Bubbles, Froggies, Chinks, Yidds, Jocks, Polacks, Paddies and Dagoes. (applause)]

Well, its not "prejudice" when you're right. what exactly have those damn Geats accomplished since Beowolf killed some old lady? (although, I will admit that foisting a stockfish (a split and dried cod) on the icelandic flag in 1350 was pretty funny and demeaning). So, as teh say, fohk aheylvethete, deen pek'antilope.


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