Haven't been online at this blogsite for awhile. Miss all the lovely blogging. ;D
I was doing & for awhile, which is also pretty fun -- but somehow EACH is one step further removed from person-to-person communications, my preferred mode.
I'm still in SF, voted DEMOC today. Painful, but Nader just don't inspire me this round... HA HA
I try to keep in mind that in Euro-land, it's reasonable to be Green, as they are a powerful force there. Someday, perhaps here too? (As soon as Oprah runs on the Green ticket!) Only in this country is it somehow 'CRAZY' to want a 3rd party -- or is that a second party?!?! Where is the LEFT in this country? (Oh, it's me...)
Seen the new EMINEM video? Whoa.... That's a bit WHACK.
Also had to see the "Team America: World Police" film. Funny as hell, but somehow Bush/Cheney escaped w/o a single reference to their stupid asses!
And of course, I work w/a bunch of peeps voting for Bush/Cheney! Hard to stomache!!! (But I always knew financial sales peeps are foolish -- and they want the tax break. Funny how the money is such a powerful encouragement to vote for WWIII.)
I was shocked after a conversation w/my cousin. I was telling her my frustration w/this worsening propaganda world in USA, and she said (paraphrase) that what's most frustrating is that conspiracy theories are getting so much closer to the truth that it's too hard to distinguish what's "crazy" and what might be real.
It's like w/Bush Cheney Presidency --> Where the hell do you start?
It's insanity from Day 1: from scandalous election & Florida --> to a vacation presidency & minimal press conferences --> to secret energy meetings w/o giving the public records AFTER a subpoena --> to deporting the Bin Ladens after the terrorist attack --> to throwing away the Geneva Accords & torturing prisoners --> to calling ourselves Liberators as we invade a foreign power & oust their government for false reasons --> to accusing their leader of being Evil and accidentally calling the invasion a Crusade --> to Haliburton's exclusive rebuilding deal --> to Enron crisis & Ken Lay's amazing story --> to Carlyle scandals in Kuwait --> to interfering w/people's rights to vote...
and after listing all that stuff, I wonder what I've left out?!?!?!
I mean, I love to rant, but Bush/Cheney always confuses me as to where do you start?!??!! Or stop?!?!?!
Lovin my friend Jerry Quickly's radio show on Pacifica/KPFK in LA I think it's at 5-6pm? He is DAMNED funny. Maybe some of you can catch his poetry slams or hip hop DVD? He is amazing.
Anyway, more to rant coming soon. Going to LA from Thurs - Sun this week for the "Screenwriters Expo" w/my girlfriend Corinna. It's a real deal at $60 (+$4 for extra classes).
Feel free to cell me if you're anywhere near downtown?
SH: Ari, its good to visit places other than &, and its good to get out of SF because those places can be Echo chambers, where you only hear what you've been saying, but tinnier.
Here's some of what you've been missing. There are many of us who aren't frightened or offended by this election (I voted LIbertarian). I personally think those spineless, toady democrats got what they deserved. They had a chance between a man who forcefully articulated their platform, spoke in favor of their constituents and of what was right, but they kicked his ass to the curb in a rush to find some "electable."; which was code for their impression of what a republican and mainstream is like. They reaped the harvest of that cynical, political decision. Once democrats stop gaming and scheming and just elect their best man, the other 53 million americans may pay attention.
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