oldschool CxC

Monday, January 13, 2003

Well, muchacho, British contract & property values along with administrative proficiency, capital formation and other dreary non-chick-impressing developments give you the life expectancy you have, they give you the security to sloganeer and pop-off while most of the world goes to sleep not knowing who will seize power tomorrow and slaughter some random group, and they give you job you keep bringing up and the drugs that lead you to such conclusions. What I have is a sense of appreciation for what lead us to the era of security and prosperity. Like many liberals you seem to focus on negatives and transform anomalies into patterns and incidents into movements.

For the absence of respect for property, google “Zimbabwe.”

As for war, I have no sympathy for Saddam or the Iraqi people who tolerate him, and only some sympathy for professional soldiers who are about to get what they signed up for. As for the wealth transfer aspect, welcome to the progressive tax code.

Anyway, I don’t begrudge your opportunity to say the things you do, and I even read them b/c I know you’re a sharp cookie, but I’ll say my bit as well.


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